Align Corporate Communications to Achieve Business Goals - a new free ebook by David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.

ebooks  |  Public Relations  |  Media Relations  |  Best Practices

I've written a new complimentary ebook for the Dow Jones Corporate and Media Solutions group called Align Corporate Communications to Achieve Business Goals: A simple six-step process to use communications and measurement tools to drive business.

Most PR programs measure the wrong things. Agency people and in-house staff happily build "clip books" or calculate "advertising equivalency metrics" in an attempt to prove the worth of PR. However, management teams simply don't care about these forms of measurement.

What management does care about is achieving their goals for things like revenue, profit, and customer retention. Sadly, few communications strategies actually align with the organizational business goals that really matter!


This ebook lays out my approach to this alignment. The ebook is totally free with no registration requirement and is sponsored by Factiva from Dow Jones.

If you focus on the goals of your organization and build appropriate communications strategies to support the goals, then you can measure the effect of your efforts and show management, investors, and the board the results. Using media measurement and analytics help communicators to directly identify the cause and effect relationships that communications strategies have on revenue.

I hope you enjoy this ebook. The ideas are simple but powerful. People who adopt a disciplined measurement approach like this earn the respect of the management team, become a trusted advisor for the entire organization and build a successful career.